This privacy policy describes how Groundtruth Limited (administrators Trap.NZ) deals with your personal information, and how we protect your privacy.
Our commitment to your privacy
We respect your right to privacy and your right to view and update the personal information we hold about you. We are committed to protecting your privacy when you visit our site or contact us in any way.
We will only deal with your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and this privacy policy.
Your personal information
Collecting your personal information
If you access any of our services (including joining a trapping project, supporting our campaigns, contacting us with a business enquiry or signing up for our newsletters), you will need to provide us with some or all of the following personal information:
- Your name.
- Your email address.
- Your residential or postal address.
- Your mobile number.
Collectively, this is known as your “personal information".
Using your personal information
We collect and use your personal information to:
- Provide you with the products and services you sign up for.
- Administer your membership efficiently.
- Allow project administrators to coordinate trapping and monitoring work.
- Send out emails or newsletters if you have opted-in.
Changing your personal information
You have the right to view and change any personal information we hold about you at any time.
Trap.NZ members can do this on by entering your email address and password and updating your “My Account” profile.
Alternatively, you can contact Groundtruth Limited on 04 904 0876 or
Disclosing your personal information
We will not sell or rent your personal information to any third party.
Project administrators can see the name and email address of any member who has joined their project.
Project and community contributions
Collecting project information
When you create or join a project on Trap.NZ you will need to provide some or all of the below information:
- Project name, description, geographic boundaries and contact information.
- Precise locations of traps, bait stations and monitoring stations.
- Detailed trapping and monitoring records (including but not limited to, times checked, member who checked, traps/station model, baits, species and photographs).
Collectively, this is known as “project information”.
Disclosing project information
Detailed project information (including, trap names, precise locations, notes, photos and “recorded by” fields) is private to project groups and will never be sold or rented.
Project administrators and editors can see precise locations and records for all traps/stations within their project(s).
Project members can see precise locations and records for all traps/stations which they have been assigned to.
By default:
- We publicly display project names, descriptions, geographic boundaries and contact details on
- We publicly share summarised project data at a 200m x 200m (4 hectare) grid level. This includes total counts of the types of traps or stations, counts of species caught or detected, strike counts, and baits used. Summarisation does not reveal any personal information or the precise location of any traps/stations.
Both of these defaults can be changed at any time by project administrators.
Trap.NZ uses cookies to help us understand how visitors engage with our website. These technologies allow us to:
- Improve our website (for example, identify and provide shortcuts to commonly used functions).
- Provide you with more targeted information where appropriate.
Temporary cookies
We use temporary (per-session) cookies to "remember" that a member has logged in. This means you do not have to enter your email address and password more than once during a visit.
Please note: Our temporary cookies must be accepted to login and access
Third party cookies and other technologies
We use third-party cookies and other technologies to gather website analytics. This includes Google Analytics cookies to understand how members use our site.
You can opt out of Google Analytics without affecting how you visit our site. For more information on opting out of being tracked by Google Analytics please visit this page.
You can also ask your browser to delete or block third-party cookies: simply search online for “cookies” + the name of your internet browser (for example, “Google Chrome”) for step-by-step instructions.
Contacting you
We may contact you to:
- Clarify details about your membership.
- Respond to any enquiries you make.
- Provide any information necessary for the operation and security of our site.
- If you are a member we may also contact you to advise of changes to our terms and conditions, services or products.
Email communications
All new members will be signed up to automatically receive our email newsletter. You can choose to remove yourself from our newsletter by following the "unsubscribe" prompt at the bottom of each email or by updating your preferences in your “My Account” profile.
More information
Complaints is committed to dealing quickly and appropriately with any privacy complaints.
If you are concerned this privacy policy may have been breached or your privacy has been compromised, please email us immediately on or call us on 04 904 0876.
For more information on privacy see the Privacy Commissioner's website.