HUNTLY PEST FREE "Backyard Trapping"- HUNTLY WEST - SOUTH (Tainui Bridge South) -Zone 2
Huntly West-"Backyard Trapping" Zone 2- From Tainui Bridge South
Target Species: Rats + Possums
You can get discounted Victor Rat Traps in Tunnels and Flipping Timmy Possum Traps for your Huntly backyard by contacting "Huntly Pest Free"
Trap Code/Number: Prefix (HWS) for 'Huntly West South". Followed by trap kind (R-Rat,P-Possum,B-Bait Station) then the number on your trap. eg. (HWS)R006 for Rat trap number 6 located in "Huntly West South" trapping zone.
Examples:(HWS)R then number on trap for Rat Traps eg.(HWS)R001 and (HWS)P for Possum Traps eg. (HWS)P001. Bait Stations (HWS)B001.
For Traps/Bait not bought from Huntly Pest Free, please email us for us to assign you a code, so we avoid double ups and you can contribute your statistics to the cause.
We welcome trapping of other pest species. Please email us to let us know others you are targeting or having issue with in you area.
Residential properties please add your backyard traps to your property only.
Please only add/set/monitor/report your own traps/bait stations on your own property within your own property boundaries.
Ensure you select "Parcel Boundaries" and "Open Street Map" on your map filter to ensure you don't accidentally trespass on other's private property.
When setting traps or installing bait stations, please ensure they are done so safely to avoid tampering by or exposure to pets, children or other species that are not the target species. We encourage trapping over bait stations in residential areas to minimise risk.
If you would like to trap, but are physically unable to do so yourself, please email us and we can connect you with help so you and your property can be involved.
If you are a commercial/industrial business or rural property that does not apply to this zone, please get in touch via email about creating a trapping zone with us to co-ordinate our efforts in making Hunty Pest Free
Thank you for joining and helping us make "Huntly Pest Free"