RAL Predator Free
Both sites Turoa and Whakapapa ski areas exist in the Alpine environment. They are host to a number of alpine plants, grasshoppers, and have seen pipits and Karearea visiting the area. Vegetation is sparse above 2000m and Pipits have been seen around the Base Area at Whakapapa.
Both sites exist with a UNESCO duel world heritage national park. Below the ski areas, some trapping is being carried out which includes community projects like Ohakune Predator free.
Kaitiakitanga is an important Pillar for RAL and reducing pest which have an adverse effect on flora and fauna is one way of practicing it.
Rats have been caught and seen around Whakapapa and Turoa. Whakapapa has placed traps and caught a number of rats in the past. Mustelids have been seen in the surrounding area townships. Weasels have been trapped as recently as November 2020 in Ohakune and stoats have been seen around Whakapapa village.
Significant ecological areas like alpine flushes are present on Mount Ruapehu. Hairs have been known to feed on flora in these zones and signs of droppings can be found here.
Possums have also been seen at Whakapapa and Feral cats at Turoa. These predators would be of possible consideration or expansion of this control plan.
Alpine crickets are possibly at risk of predation and again could be monitored in the future and a predation risk assessment made.