Omataroa Kiwi Project

Omataroa occupies an area of 7,777 hectares, consisting of approximately 7100 ha of exotic production forest and a further 640 hectares of indigenous forest. The plantation forest and bush remnants which surround the mature forest of Puhikoko Reserve contain significant kiwi habitat, and kiwi sign is regularly seen. The long-term aim is to extend kiwi protection over the entire Omataroa area. Currently Rayonier Forestry fund buffer trapping around Puhikoko Reserve, and there are plans to extend this network. Kiwi call count monitoring is also planned over a wide area to help direct the future expansion of the project.

The land is administered by the Omataroa-Rangitaiki No 2 Trust, and there are over 6000 shareholders in the land. The main focus of the project is the bio-diversity rich Puhikoko Reserve (546 ha), which is home to kiwi, kereru and North Island Robin. A kawanata is in place over Puhikoko Reserve, and intensive predator trapping and poisoning is undertaken to control mustelids, rats, cats and possums. Regular kiwi aversion training is also held with the local Omataroa hunting club and kaitiaki work is undertaken with forestry contractors to prevent harm to kiwi during forestry operations.

The objective of the project is to protect the kiwi population and the wider bio-diversity values of the forest, while also helping people reconnect to the whenua and develop their skills as kaitiaki. Ian Tarei leads the work on the ground, and has a strong interest in engaging whänau in kiwi conservation from a young age. Local köhanga reo are regular attendees at kiwi releases, and a group of Te Teko youth have been trained to undertake predator control and kiwi work.

Wild juvenile kiwi have recently been found in the area, highlighting the benefits to the kiwi population from the animal pest control and advocacy work. Operation Nest Egg (ONE) has been successfully utilised to return chicks to the reserve once they have reached a safe weight. This has helped reinvigorate the resident kiwi population with young birds. Kiwi chicks have also been gifted to other local kiwi projects to help ensure a robust gene pool in the now isolated populations.