Predator Free Maungaraki

We are a community group based on the bushy suburb of Maungaraki on the western hills of the Hutt Valley. We enjoy a variety of native wildlife including Korimako (Bellbird), Kererū, Tui, Rūrū and the much more elusive Ngāhere Gecko and Riroriro (Grey Warbler). If you are really lucky you might even spot a Kākā or Kārearea (NZ Falcon) flying overhead. Our abundance of bird life is in part thanks to being right on the edge of Belmont Regional Park, but our backyards and parks also provide shelter and food to many creatures, unfortunately including rats, possums, mustelids and hedgehogs.

Rats our main target species. We have a growing network of residential trappers who maintain their own backyard traps. We also have a network of trap lines through our local council bush and reserve which is maintained by local volunteers. Some of our more keen members are also involved in maintaining mustelid (stoat, weasel, ferret) trap lines in Belmont Regional Park in association with Greater Wellington Regional Council.

Maungaraki locals are welcome to get in touch with us for more information on how they can get involved, whether it be hosting a trap or volunteering on a line. Helpful advice and instruction are available no matter your level of experience.